Entry Panel to show, DMNS
Museum Signage
Oil Painting on canvas in studio
Studio with work in progress
John Bonath and Jeff Stephenson with drawers of specimens.
Some sample specimen drawers, DMNS
original specimens for artwork
South American Tapir cranium
Basket Starfish
Medusa Bones
South American Tapir cranium & Basket Starfish
fr. DMNS Zoology collection
original specimen for artwork Green Iguana
Green Iguana
fr. DMNS Education collection
artwork invites being touched
A Strange Beauty, DMNS
showcase displaying several of the original specimens
Final artwork
original specimens
3rd level of Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Cat Girl
(Viviana Alessandra Reopening and Caracal Cat Cub)
fr. DMNS Education collection
various original shots done for photo composite of final artwork
Orangutan & Gorilla Hands (neocast)
fr. DMNS Education collection
Orangutan & Gorilla Hands (neocast)
fr. DMNS Education collection
2nd level Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
(Henry David Wolcott)
Giant Clam
fr. DMNS Zoology collection
Night Steed
Horse Skull & Zebra Hide
fr. DMNS Education collection
original horse skull and zebra hide specimens used to make final artwork
modular arrangement
detail showing 3-D surfacing and iridescence
Speak No Evil
Wood Stork
fr. DMNS Zoology collection
modular arrangement
final artwork and original specimens
Singing Bird
original specimens for final artwork composite in photoshop
2nd level Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Ornithological Pallette
Brown-crested Flycatchers and relatives
fr. DMNS Zoology collection
1st level Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
installation shot showing texture
2nd level Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Boy with Nile Crocodile #2
(Zachery Karamaroutis)
fr. DMNS Zoology collection
Artemis and Actaeon
(Sabin Aell and Antelope)
fr. Artist's collection
Final artwork
original specimen
ancient Egyptian influence
Modular Arrangement
1st level, Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Rhino Dream
Modular arrangements
1st level, Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
modular installation
3-dimensional surface invites close observation.
3-dimensional surface invites touch.
Giant Armadillo Toes
final artwork and original specimen
Red Barbets from Botswana
Young Man in Blue with Fish
(Christian Patrick Perez)
Fresh Caught Grouper
fr. Artist's collection
2nd level, Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Hatched Python Egg Shells
installation view at DMNS
Leaf Insect
2nd level, Atrium Gallery
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
The Egg Keeper
(Aaron Springs with extinct Elephant Bird Egg from Madagascar)
fr. DMNS Zoology collection
installation view at DMNS
installation view at DMNS
Kelly Brenner
It’s quite incredible what you’ve done here- the iguana looks so different!