Storm Mountain Folkdancers


Storm Mountain Folk Dancers is a Fort Collins-based international folk dance performance group. Storm Mountain Folk Dancers was begun in the spring of 1975 and is still around today.  Storm Mountain is a group of talented, hard-working people who share their love of traditional ethnic dance with others through performance and teaching. The group has been performing, since its inception, throughout Colorado and the western United States. The emphasis of the group has always been on authentic recreation of regional dance styles, costumes and music.  They perform suites of dances from Basque, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Turkey and the US.  The suites are choreographed by well-known folk dance teachers and choreographers.

Besides weekly rehearsals and weekend rehearsals once a month, each member volunteers for non-dance duties associated with running a performance group.  For the seven years that I was an active member, I worked on advertising and photography.  These are some of the images from that time.

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    Copyright John Bonath 2019