Neighborhood Series
Stories from the Hood, Part One – The Olden Days
The first in a collection of stories about life in north Denver. Starting with some of the more colorful aspects of the neighborhood’s history, the storytelling reads like fractured fairy tales, setting the tone for the anecdotes to follow.
Stories from the Hood, Part Two – Present Times
Picking up where the first blog left off, this blog covers the last 30 years of north Denver history. These background stories give context to the present state of the neighborhood.
Stories from the Hood, Part Three – The Gargoyle
The first two blogs tell of the evolution of my neighborhood in North Denver and establish the stage for the stories that follow. This chapter is a collection of anecdotes surrounding a gargoyle. As this series evolves, life in my corner of the universe unfolds.
Stories from the Hood, Part Four – The Flag
The art on my house in North Denver increases as this child-made American flag goes up. Chapter four is a collection of some extremely personal stories behind the events that this particular flag was born out of.
Stories from the Hood, Part Five – The Tunnel
As you enter the tunnel, you disconnect from the world behind and as you exit the tunnel, you enter another realm. This collection of stories is about the space and time between. Along the storytelling way, I invite you to enter into the tunnel with me.
Stories from the Hood, Part Six – The Damascio Buildings
Frank Damascio was an architect and stone mason who moved to this north Denver neighborhood in 1890. He built three buildings across the street from my house. Each of these buildings has woven many tales of their own, adding to the rich tapestry of Stories from the Hood.
Stories from the Hood, Part Seven- Lost Between the Cracks
Stories from the Hood continues with the stories of The Vasquez family, the dedication of Spiderman to this family, and more history of life in my little corner of the universe.
Stories from the Hood, Part Eight- The Birth of Spiderman
The neighborhood saga continues with this richly illustrated chapter on the story of how Spiderman evolved into a statue climbing up the side of my house as well as much more.
Stories from the Hood, Part Nine- The Murals
This last chapter in the Stories from the Hood series, bases its stories in the four murals that are installed on the house, art terrorist days, concludes with an epilogue, and much more.
News Article on The Spiderman House
Feature article by Denverite news reporter Desiree Mathurin on the Spiderman house and John's studio.